This is 2020," a short film by FillmCo, skillfully captures the challenges, hope, and unity experienced throughout the tumultuous year. Breanna & Toby Canning's vision aimed to resonate with audiences during a time of peak frustration and sadness worldwide. The film, shedding light on the impact of a devastating illness and historical injustices, not only garnered incredible support but also earned the prestigious 'People's Choice Award' in the Musicbed Re-Open Challenge for its powerful resonance with viewers. Grateful for the collaboration of those who contributed their time, resources, and creativity, the project stands as a compelling testament to the shared experiences of 2020.

Director - Toby Canning 

Executive Producer - Breanna Canning 

AD + Cam-Op - Jeff Hampton 

DP + Editor - Toby Canning 


Music Composer - Steven Shook 

Writer - Lo Alaman 

BTS - Tim Cho 

Key Grip - Regan Strand 

Woman in Bedroom - Jennifer Munoz

Man in Apartment - Broderick Campbell 

Poet Performer - Lo Alaman 

Street Dancer - Jeff Hampton 


Lead Nurse - Carolina Karabatkovic 

Patient - Breanna Canning 

Special thanks to all of our extras & supporting cast.

This is your sign - Now’s the time.